The etiquette is an essential part of Aikido training.
The purpose of the etiquette is the cultivation of the Aikido principles, such as
- the respect to the Founder of the Art, the instructor and the practitioners and
- the dedication to training and improvement of one’s self.
The etiquette is a cultural tradition and bears no religious or philosophical meaning. Aikido is a martial art, which consists of highly accurate techniques that require increased motor skills. The etiquette enhances dedication during training. Upon entering and leaving the dojo, all students bow in the direction of the kamiza and the picture of the Founder. Students should arrive on time. When someone is late, he/she sits in seiza and asks for permission to enter from the instructor. During the lesson, no acts of needless violence, contests of strength or offensive discussions are tolerated.
Body hygiene and a clean uniform should be a priority for every student. Visitors sit quietly and respectfully during class. The instructor will answer all questions at the end of the lesson. Training in Aikido requires concentration, calmness and being mindful during training. Unnecessary talking, being absent-minded and a sluggish disposition are negative habits. They are the first enemies a student must learn to defeat